Product Tree

Copy as Link Feature


This feature allows the user to create a copy of an existing item as a hyperlink (Non-Clickable) in the product tree at different nodes level of the same project. The user needs to add a Service call to get this option enabled for the work item.

By Default, Copy As Link option is available for DMS Items and Test cases


Suppose the user needs to place the Test case (TC_A) under the different Folders (Say, Automation Part A, Regression Part A, Manual Execution Part A and so on).

The need to place the same test case (TC_A) is because every Folder has a different structure, and later users want to generate a Document for them.

In such a case, there comes the Copy as Link Feature, where we create multiple instances of the same Test case (TC_A) under different places in the Product Tree. The Changes done in any of the instances will be reflected everywhere.

Copy as link is applicable in the same project. It does not allow user to create the copies across the projects or solution


The Copy as link option is available only on the Product Tree Page.

  • Select the work item/node for which Copy as link is enabled.
  • Right-click and select the option Copy as Link option
  • Select a different node in the product tree
  • Right-click and select Paste Link WORK_ITEM_KEY option

The Copy as link item gets pasted under the selected node and it is displayed with the Underline text in the product tree. The Item key and history all remains the same as the copy as link is just a copy of the original item. The changes/updates done in Original Item or Copy as link item gets reflected at all places.

  • In the History tab, a comment for Copy as Link gets added.
  • In the Traceability tab, the Original item is traced with the copy as link item using the link type – Copy As Link.

In the Work Item Grid, copy as link item rows is highlighted in BLUE. Users can include/exclude copy as link items from the work item grid using the “Exclude Copy as Link” checkbox. For details, refer to the Post: Manage Filter / View.

User cannot create link under link i.e. you cannot add child node as copy as link item in case parent node is also a copy as link item

The User has only Delete option available for Copy as Link Items. Other actions such as copy, paste, cut, convert item, create trace, checkout, create tag and so on are not available. User can perform all these actions only on the Original Item

Go To Source Option

This option is available only for a copy as link items.

  • Right-click and select Go to Source option

User is moved to Original Item in the Product tree.


  • Copy as link option will not be available if the original item has a child item.
  • User cannot add the copy as link item in its parent folder (Folder in which Original item is created)
  • Items for which Copy as link items are present cannot be moved to a different Project/Solution. It can be moved within the same Project/Solution
  • Folders/Parent item whose child item has copy as link will not be moved to another Project
  • Folders/Parent item which has copy as link child item will not be moved to another Project
  • Deleting Original items will delete the copy as link instances

How to Filter Copy as link items (Using User Defined Criteria)

Filter to Show/Hide Copy as Link Items

Manage Filter / View

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