Defect Management

Defect Management Overview

Defect management is a process to identify a defect in the software. It allows teams to find, record, and track issues in their system/software. It’s important that everyone is able to find and record defects, and more importantly, assign them to the right team members. It helps the company to prioritize against their goals set, while continually delivering value to their customers.


  • Helps to ensure that defects found in the system actually get fixed
  • Allows testers and developers to have a conversation and to recreate the problem together
  • Allows sending notifications to the right individual when the bug needs to be tested, fixed, and marked as verified


Identification: The first step in identifying the defect is in the process. It can be done by the testing team, and sometimes the customer can also inform you about a defect.

Categorization: After the defect is reported, it is moved to the desired team member to check and categorize the type of defect.

Severity: Based on the defect category, the Severity of the defect is decided by the desired team member.

Prioritization: According to the type and severity of the defect, these defects are a set of priorities for fixing it accordingly. It can be handled through a formal channel, or an individual team member who is working on defects can set its own priorities for fixing defects.

Assignment: As soon as the priorities are decided, the defect is assigned to a developer to fix it.

Resolution: The developer fixes the defect and places it in the same place as where it was identified.

Verification: As soon as the defect is fixed, the Testing team verifies that the defect is actually fixed and working as expected.

Closure: It is marked as a closed/verified case once it is fixed and resolved.

Management Reporting: Create the Dashboard Panels which helps management to know which work is done and which work is going on and when it will be done.


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