

This REST API helps users to Login into the System.

Method: Post


Authorization: Basic Auth token in the Request Headers 

Post body: no Post Body to enter here


Orcanos Output class:

"IsSuccess": true, ---> API Result
"Data": { ---> Data details of all projects
"Projects": {  ---> Projects List details
"Project": [  ---> Project details
"Modules_permissions": { ---> Module permissions details of the related project
"Qpack_items": "yes", ---> Work Items Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_tree": "yes", ---> Product Tree Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_esign": "yes", ---> E-signing Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_dashboard": "yes", ---> Dashboard Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_document_control": "yes", --->Document Control Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_service_calls": "yes", ---> Service calls Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_compliance": "yes", ---> Compliance Permission in Yes/No
"Qpack_gantt": "no", ---> Gantt Permission in Yes/No
"Enable_cancel_routing": "0", ---> Cancel Routing Permission in 1/0
"Enable_start_routing": "0", ---> Start Routing Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_attachment": "1", ---> Add Attachment Permission in 1/0
"Enable_share_content": "0", ---> Content Sharing Permission in 1/0
"Enable_del_attachment": "1", ---> Delete attachments Permission in 1/0
"Enable_edit_public_filter": "1", ---> Edit public Filter Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_tag": "1", ---> Add tag Permission in 1/0
"Enable_delete_public_filter": "1", ---> Delete public filter Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_public_filter": "1", ---> Add public filter Permission in 1/0
"Enable_mass_update": "1", ---> Mass update Permission in 1/0
"Enable_move_to_pool": "1", ---> Move to pool Permission in 1/0
"Enable_move_to_view": "1", ---> Move to view Permission in 1/0
"Enable_convert_items": "1", ---> convert items Permission in 1/0
"Enable_traceability_report": "1", ---> Traceability Report Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_param_value": "1", ---> Add Parameter value Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_private_filter": "1", ---> Add private filter Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_dashboard": "1", ---> Add Dashbaord Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_param_pool": "1", ---> Add parameter pool Permission in 1/0
"Enable_add_revision": "1", ---> Add revision Permission in 1/0
"Enable_download_obsolete_revision": "1", ---> Download obsoleter revision Permission in 1/0
"Enable_download_draft_revision": "0", ---> Dwonload draft revision Permission in 1/0
"Enable_download_inwork_revision": "1", ---> Download in work revision Permission in 1/0
"Enable_download_approved_revision": "1", ---> Download approved revision Permission in 1/0
"Enable_download_for_edit": "1" ---> Download for edit Permission in 1/0
"Version": [ --->Project version details
"Ver_id": "10", --->Project Version Number
"Child_projects": "", ----> Child projects details if any
"Child_versions": "", ----> Child versions number if any
"Version_label": "1.0", --->Version Label of the project
"List_label": "ALM Templates (1.0)", --->Name of the project
"Is_lock": "N" --->Is the project is locked or not in Y/N
"Item_type": [ --->Item type details which are added into the related project
"Code": "ACTION_ITEM",
"Label": "Action Item",
"Permission": "DUAYXBF"
"Code": "DEFECT",
"Label": "Defect",
"Permission": "AUTB"
"Code": "FOLDER",
"Label": "DMS Folder",
"Permission": "DUTAYXBF"
"Code": "T_EXEC",
"Label": "Execution Set",
"Permission": "EDURTYXAB"
"Code": "T_PLAN",
"Label": "Folder",
"Permission": "DUTYXABF"
"Code": "MODULE",
"Label": "Module",
"Permission": "DUTAYXBF"
"Code": "REQ",
"Label": "Requirement",
"Permission": "DUTAYXBF"
"Code": "RISK",
"Label": "Risk",
"Permission": "DUTYXABF"
"Code": "TASK",
"Label": "Task",
"Permission": "DUYXA"
"Code": "T_CASE",
"Label": "Test Case",
"Permission": "DUYXABF"
"Code": "T_RUN",
"Label": "Test Run",
"Permission": "V"
"Id": "114", ---> Project ID number
"Project_name": "ALM Templates", --->Project name
"Is_solution": "0", ---> Is is solution or not in 1/0
"Display": "Y" ---> Project is actve or not
"Configurations": { --->Configuration Details
"Idle_time": "120" ---> Idle time for the system to logout
"User_details": { --->User details
"Is_admin": "1", ---> Is user admin or not
"Add_workitem": "1", ---> Is user able to add work item or not
"Id": "1114", ---> User id
"User_name": "Bansal.neha", ---> User name
"User_pwd": "A***@****", ---> User Password
"Tutorial_ind": "DPWAMESG", ---> Tutorial indication is available or not
"Account_mode": "TEST", ---> Account type
"Online_chat": "1", ---> Online chat is available or not for this user
"Allow_public_chat": "1", ---> Public chat availability
"Allow_internal_chat": "1", --> Internal chat availability
"Density": "3", ---> Density value 
"Grid_line": "1", ---> Gird line enable or not
"Grid_horizontal_line": "1", ---> Gird horizontal line enable or not
"Grid_vertical_line": "1", ---> Gird vertical line enable or not
"Enable_chat": "1", --->chat is enable or not
"Show_tutorial": "0", ---> show tutorials enable or not
"Disable_tooltip": "1", --->tooltip is enable or not
"Disable_speller": "1", --->speller is enable or not
"Editor_theme": "icy_orange", ---> editor theme is enable or not
"Force_checkout_for_edit": "0", ---> Force checkour for edit is enable or not
"Disable_major_minor": "0", ---> Mazor minor version field is enable or not
"Chat_sound": "1", --->chat sound is enable or not
"Chat_count": "4", --->chat count is enable or not
"Rtl_ind": "0",---> Right to left text show is enable or not
"Virtual_dir": "qpack", ---> Virtual directory is enable or not
"Enable_uper_lower_limit": "1", --->Upper and lower limit is enable or not
"Profile_image": "", ---> profile image is available or not
"Days_until_expiration": "10355",  ---> Expiration days
"User_email": "[email protected]", ---> User emails
"Display_name": "Bansal Neha", ---> Display name of the user
"First_time": "0", ---> First time logged in or not
"Logged_ind": "0", ---> User is logged in or not
"Customer_id": "683", ---> Customer id 
"Enable_billing": "0", ---> User is enable for billing or not
"Use_new_test_run_recordset": "1", ---> use new test run record set is enable or not
"Is_externaluser": "0" ---> user is external user or not
"Message": "",
"HttpCode": 200

IsSuccess: if successful then true else false

Data: JSON object 

CustomerId: Updated or Newly created customer-id

Message: Error message in case IsSuccess is false

HttpCode: Response HttpCode

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